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Human disturbance from tourism and other non-consumptive activities in protected areas may be stressful to wildlife. Animals may move away in space or time to avoid human interaction. For species of particular conservation concern, such as Baird's tapirs (Tapirus bairdii) and jaguars (Panthera onca), a better understanding of how they respond to different levels and types of disturbance is needed in order to manage human visitation to parks in ways that minimize negative outcomes for wildlife. We describe the overlap in activity patterns of tapirs, jaguars, and humans at logged and unlogged sites and at places with low versus high human visitation using camera survey data from protected areas of NW Belize, 2013–2016. Tapirs were nocturnal in all study sites, with > 80% of all tapir detections occurring between 1900 hr and 0500 hr. Their activity patterns were not different in unlogged versus logged sites and did not change with increased human traffic. Jaguars were cathemeral across sites but had more nocturnal activity at the site with the most human impact. Activity pattern overlap between tapirs and jaguars did not differ significantly between logged and unlogged sites, nor between areas with low and high human activity. Human traffic increased from 2013 to 2016 at most of the study locations. In conclusion, this camera trap dataset suggests that non-consumptive human disturbance does not alter the activity patterns of tapirs and jaguars in protected areas lacking hunting pressure.  相似文献   
Trapping data have a long and rich history of use in monitoring furbearer populations in North America but understanding the influences of variation in trapper harvest is important. Many factors besides abundance can cause variation in trapper harvest, including socioeconomics, weather, and motivation. The relationships between these extrinsic factors and trapper harvest may change temporally, which may obscure the causal understanding of variation in trapper harvest. We tested for changes in the relationships between pelt price and trapper numbers, and pelt price and harvest per trapper for raccoons (Procyon lotor) in Illinois, USA, from 1976–2018 while controlling for other socioeconomic (gasoline price, unemployment) and weather (temp, snow depth) factors. The annual raccoon harvest showed no clear trend, whereas the number of raccoon trappers declined markedly from approximately 1976–1990 in conjunction with pelt prices, after which the number of trappers remained relatively stable and were not significantly affected by pelt price. In contrast, harvest per trapper increased markedly during the 1990s and showed a significant negative relationship with pelt price pre-1990 but a positive relationship post-1990. We propose that declines in pelt prices resulted in a loss of less experienced or economically incentivized trappers, whereas contemporary trappers may continue trapping primarily for non-economic reasons. Our study highlights the potential for using non-linear relationships between trapper harvest data and socioeconomic covariates to help understand the influences of temporal variation in trapper harvest data. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
2015年1月至2017年12月,在陕西佛坪国家级自然保护区海拔1 200~2 500 m的57条大熊猫(Ailuropodamelanoleuca)活动频繁的巡护样线上,布设130台红外相机。累计红外相机有效工作日100 685 d,共拍摄到大熊猫有效独立照片1 831张。将红外相机拍摄的有效照片和相机工作日依据不同竹种类型及保护站归类,对大熊猫季节性空间分布与活动模式进行研究。结果表明:(1)大熊猫春季活动最为频繁,在巴山木竹(Bashania fargesii)林和秦岭箭竹(Fargesia qinlingensis)林中相对多度分别是2.89和3.72;其次是冬季,在巴山木竹林和秦岭箭竹林中的相对多度分别是2.95和2.74。3月份是其活动高峰,巴山木竹林和秦岭箭竹林中的相对多度指数都是最高;11、12和1月份,大熊猫在巴山木竹林中相对多度指数高于秦岭箭竹林;2至10月份,大熊猫在秦岭箭竹林中的相对多度指数都要高于巴山木竹林。(2)大熊猫在佛坪保护区各个保护站均有分布,且存在季节性空间分布差异。三官庙和西河保护站全年的12个月都能够捕获到大熊猫的身影,是大熊猫分布相对多度最高的两个区域,大古坪、岳坝和龙潭子3个保护站海拔较低,大熊猫主要集中在冬春季节活动;凉风垭保护站海拔较高,主要分布的是秦岭箭竹林,大熊猫主要在夏季活动。(3)干扰活动主要包括采集、放牧、旅游、家犬活动和监测5种类型。干扰活动类型在各个保护站存在差异,且多为零星干扰,对大熊猫的活动和分布存在一定影响。本研究较为全面地调查了佛坪国家级自然保护区大熊猫季节性活动动态和区域性分布状况,调查结果可为后期的保护管理提供有效的参考依据。  相似文献   
Artabotrys comprises a species-poor early divergent grade (EDG) and a main species-rich clade (“main Artabotrys clade,” MAC). All members of the MAC exhibit a remarkably well-conserved floral Bauplan characterized by a tightly enclosed floral chamber with an elaborate rim between the inner petal blade and claw. Conversely, EDG resembles the sister genus Xylopia in lacking the inner petal rim, with one species (Artabotrys brachypetalus) bearing petals that lack the distinction between blade and claw altogether. The floral phenology and pollination ecology of two exemplar species—Artabotrys brachypetalus from the EDG and Artabotrys blumei from the MAC—are compared, including assessment of effective pollinators and their activity patterns, scent chemistry and thermogenesis. Our study revealed that Artabotrys blumei exhibits abbreviated anthesis (c. 27 hr), with a floral phenology and morphology that are clearly consistent with pollinator trapping, and may be pollinated by small beetles. Artabotrys brachypetalus has a typical anthetic duration (c. 45 hr), lacks a pollinator trapping mechanism, and is pollinated by honey bees and curculionid beetles. The “xylopioid” traits of the EDG are likely to be plesiomorphic, whereas the tightly enclosed floral chamber is likely to be apomorphic for the MAC and functionally significant in trapping pollinators.  相似文献   
We present an all optical technique for the targeted delivery of single 100 nm diameter gold nanoparticles into a specified region of the interior of an individual mammalian cell through a combination of optical tweezing and optical injection. The internalisation of the nanoparticle is verified by confocal laser scanning microscopy and confocal laser scanning reflectance microscopy. This represents the first time that nano sized particles have been tweezed and optically injected into mammalian cells using only light, and provides a novel methodology for internalising nanosphere based biosensors within specific intracellular regions of a mammalian cell. (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
In many vacuolate plant cells, individual Golgi bodies appear to be attached to tubules of the pleiomorphic cortical endoplasmic reticulum (ER) network. Such observations culminated in the controversial mobile secretory unit hypothesis to explain transport of cargo from the ER to Golgi via Golgi attached export sites. This proposes that individual Golgi bodies and an attached‐ER exit machinery move over or with the surface of the ER whilst collecting cargo for secretion. By the application of infrared laser optical traps to individual Golgi bodies within living leaf cells, we show that individual Golgi bodies can be micromanipulated to reveal their association with the ER. Golgi bodies are physically attached to ER tubules and lateral displacement of individual Golgi bodies results in the rapid growth of the attached ER tubule. Remarkably, the ER network can be remodelled in living cells simply by movement of laser trapped Golgi dragging new ER tubules through the cytoplasm and new ER anchor sites can be established. Finally, we show that trapped Golgi ripped off the ER are ‘sticky’ and can be docked on to and attached to ER tubules, which will again show rapid growth whilst pulled by moving Golgi.  相似文献   
A comparison of nine commercial baited fly traps on Florida dairy farms demonstrated that Terminator traps collected significantly more (13,323/trap) house flies (Musca domestica L.) than the others tested. Final Flight, Fly Magnet, and FliesBeGone traps collected intermediate numbers of flies (834‐2,166), and relatively few were caught with ISCA, Advantage, Fermone Big Boy, Squeeze & Snap, or OakStump traps (<300). Terminator traps collected about twice as many flies (799.8/trap) as FliesBeGone traps (343.8) when each trap was baited with its respective attractant, but when the attractants were switched between the two trap types, collections were significantly lower (77‐108) than was observed with traps baited with their respective attractant. Solutions of molasses were significantly more attractive to house flies than honey, maple syrup, or jaggery (date palm sugar). Field‐expedient traps constructed from discarded PET water bottles were much less effective than commercial traps, but painting the tops of such traps with black spray paint resulted in a six‐fold increase in trap capture.  相似文献   
文章研究了华中地区池塘养殖大口黑鲈(Micropterus salmoides)卵巢的发育规律, 分析了水温与光照条件变化对卵巢发育的影响, 探究了大口黑鲈反季节繁殖的方法, 旨在充分利用本地区的气候条件, 化劣势为优势, 从根本上解决本地大口黑鲈产业所面临的问题。实验采用形态学、组织学等方法比较分析了大口黑鲈卵巢发育特征, 采用人工控温和人工促熟的方法探究了温度和性激素对大口黑鲈性腺启动发育的影响。研究发现, 华中地区大口黑鲈雌鱼性腺指数(GSI)周年变化在0.63%—7.95%, 10月中旬至12月初水温由20.6℃降至11.0℃期间, 卵巢开始发育至Ⅲ期, 并以Ⅲ期越冬, 至4月中旬繁殖产卵, 5月底结束, 繁殖前约80%的雌鱼绝对繁殖力在4.5万—6.5万粒, 但受水温升高的影响, 卵巢中15%成熟卵母细胞未能产出而逐步退化, 产卵结束时仍有一半以上卵未产出(GSI为4.6%); 雌鱼GSI与肠系膜脂肪系数(MFI)、肝体比(HSI)在10月份至次年4月份呈显著负相关(P<0.05), 表明在此期间, 机体储存的营养物质部分转移至性腺, 优先保证性腺发育。在大口黑鲈反季节繁殖实验中, 采用井水[水温(20±1)℃]降温和控温处理的方法能够促进大口黑鲈性腺的启动发育, 经过3个月处理, 控温组雌鱼卵巢发育至Ⅳ期末, GSI达到4.06%, 而对照组雌鱼卵巢处于Ⅲ期, GSI为2.52%, 两组差异显著(P<0.05), 两组雄鱼精巢均发育至Ⅳ期末, 控温组GSI达0.89%, 对照组为0.73%, 这表明可以通过温度处理来调控大口黑鲈性腺的发育。最后针对反季节繁殖中亲本的培育方法和处理时间等进行了总结, 以期为后续培育反季节大口黑鲈提供依据。  相似文献   
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